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Ekran Resmi 2020-02-29 13.17.56.png

In 2014 – 2015, banning and closing of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT), imprisoning its members, serious human rights breaches against the imprisoned members and intensive oppressions and restrictions against the Muslim Tajik people, have been a widespread media coverage. With that, Atty. Gülden Sönmez took a place in international human rights committee that has been formed in order to investigate the mentioned human rights breaches in September, 2015. Atty. Gülden Sönmez, has took into custody with another committee member Atty. Emine Yıldırım and the translators by the Tajikistan Intel. However, Tajikistan government had to release the committee members, due to international reacts and Turkey’s respond. There has been appliactions to Turkey Prosecution Office and international authorities about the breaches taking place in Tajikistan.

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