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Theoretical and practical studies were realized as related to the following topics. The below-mentioned topics have taken a central part in her work especially since 1996

  • Violations of the Right to Life

  • Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion

  • Freedom of Expression

  • Unlawful and arbitrary arrests and detention

  • Abolishing of torture and degrading treatment, and punishment of people involved in it

  • Abolishing of discrimination and Islamophobia

  • The Right to Education

  • Violations in prisons and detention centers

  • Children’s Rights

  • Refugee Rights

  • Freedom of Association

  • The Headscarf Ban

  • Theoretical and practical work and lawsuit follow-up related to intended discrimination against women, and problems faced by women regarding their rights


      She worked as the member of the Turkey Human Rights Institution and Committee of Prevention of


       In 2009, she took a crucial part in the main coordination for Viva Palestina – Gaza Convoy, which organized the 

      Turkey part by IHH, and took an active part on the convoy’s arrival in Gaza and on making a breach on the

      embargo and blockade. She also took a crucial part as a manager in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla organization in

      2010, and is a participant of the Mavi Marmara ship.


      She built the project of Conscience Convoy for the Syrian women that are being tortured and raped, and draw the 

      world’s attention on the war-weary women by gathering 10.000 women all around the world on the border of Syria.

      This project is still continued with the name Conscience Movement by herself.



      She made studies on the cases and individual applications of hundreds of victims who have been     

      subjected to the violations mentioned above. She also worked on the following subjects ;



  1. She organized hundreds of seminars about “Our Rights” with organizations of the Civil Society and local authorities, as well as many programs and activities related to the topic of Human Rights in primary, middle and high schools and universities;

  2. Various case studies, field observation reports and findings reports published and cases follow-ups in cooperation with many Civil and Official Organizations inside and outside of Turkey;

  3. Legal work, field studies, findings reports, organization of conferences and meetings, and guidance to the victims of injustice, war and conflicts in regions such as Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Bosnia, Syria, Egypt, Myanmar, Tunisia, East Turkistan, Ethiopia, Guantanamo;

  4. Studies about the Kurdish issue and Legal work for the benefit of its victims.

  5. Contributions to Helsinki Citizens Assembly as a legal specialist regarding the process of the law of Associations which was changed in 2005, and the legislative processes in the area of Human Rights;

  6. Organization of International Campaigns for the Palestinian Prisoners;

  7. Articles and presentations about Human Rights in International publications and conferences;

  8. Co-writing of a book titled “Human Rights in Basic Documents” with Advocate M. Balcı

  9. Management and follow-up of all Legal work in the Turkish Court and International Courts, including the International Criminal Court, regarding the Israeli attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla while transporting Humanitarian Aid and sailing towards Gaza on 31 May 2010

  10. Meetings with different Human Rights entities of the Civil Society, academicians and jurists, and network building in more than 40 countries visited;

  11. Attendance of numerous meetings and workshops regarding Human Rights organized by many entities such as the Human Rights Organizations

  12. Guidance to associations in the domain of Association Law and Freedom of Organization;

       Representative and speaker in workshops and conferences organized with the cooperation of         

       International Mechanisms such as the United Nations, the European Union and the Organization of     

       Islamic Cooperation

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